Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poll Predicts Transport As Unsatisfactory In Sydney

A story from the Sunday Telegraph 23rd January has advise us of a poll done by Auspoll (website provided)
- 600 Sydneysiders  polled on 17 issues and that that transport was  not up to satisfaction, quoted,'Public transport was labelled unsatisfactory or very poor by almost half the city's population (45 per cent).'

What we need to ask ourselves is what was the 600 polled were part of Western Sydneysiders- is not stated. If we assume 200 - this is only a small proportionate for a poll to be taken. On the bigger picture transport wherever you go is  not an easy area to make it work and be successful for everyone.

First of all, we have thousands upon thousands of one driver passenger vehicles going to work, shop and visiting family and friends as well as many other daily chores. I'm sure the cost of travelling private passenger vehicles outweighs the cost of public transport.

Second of all, if every second person travelling in private passenger vehicles, left their car at home for the short trips and destinations as long as there is efficient and reliable transport then and only then will be successful.

Thirdly, I remember when Westbus had like half the size of their normal buses before and they seemed to be more economical. If both bus operators were using this type of buses - we might be looking to employ more bus drivers and  at the same time have provide more efficient bus service - like every 20 minutes in peak time and off-peak 15  minutes, based on increased the last 2 points raised. With trains, obviously more services would be provided even if there was double the amount of commuters using the current system - we might be looking at 15 minutes service in mount Druitt in Peak times both fast trains and all stops!

Even if we had light rail around the area this could be  such a great tourist attraction.  Fares would not need to go up and not only are services increased, the amount of commuters are increased would compensate for this.

We need to understand that transport is a multi million dollar industry and very important to our local, state and national economy - there's always  who pays for what - but public transport should be there for the community as vital part of getting to places on want and interest!

Here is the article from the Sunday Telegraph:

And there is the website on Auspoll:

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Save Our Bus Services

Read our story on how we made it our priority to ensure bus services are re-instated from services taken away in 2009.