Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Australia Day 2014 Fireworks at Rooty Hill - Traffic Has Been Altered To Cater For Buses To And From The Event!

The event of the Australia Day Rooty Hill Fireworks for 2014 was outstanding and always leaves a mark of a great way to start the year with, which we should take pride in.

I noticed that the Traffic Management team at Black City Council has changed the traffic/parking conditions as was allowed to happen  for many years. 

You will notice safety barriers placed on Eastern Road, there was always the grassed area where cars were parking near to the Moreau Reserve event - now that means more parking on the hill or  further away from the event - which means this is a good opportunity to  promote  free shuttle buses to the event as previously promoted in other blogs:

Any way enjoy the Rooty Hill Fireworks Australia Day 2014 Moreau Reserve Click here. At at the event:

And....... The traffic on the hill:

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